Part of our overall mission is to work with government agencies and banks to accept properties in need of renovation. Using local labor, we convert those properties to be sold at below market prices.
Below are examples of the over 40 properties that have been transformed from vacant dilapidated structures into modern fully renovated homes offered at reduced prices. The result is a safer neighborhood, an increase in surrounding property values, and the opportunity for families to have increased homeownership value with no equity recapture restrictions.
From our GIVER’S MINDSET™ perspective, our mission is accomplished when we have ecstatic homeowners, grateful neighbors no longer worried about vacant houses, appreciative local contractors who gained employment, and a satisfied town or city. This activity helps actualize our vision of working with likeminded people and organizations to strengthen our communities one family at a time.
If you notice a vacant building, let us know. We very well may be able to help your neighborhood.
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